Famous Last Words: Surviving a Week Without WiFi
WiFi Logo As I reflect on all that happened to me this week. I think about the fact that my WiFi is still not working in my apartment after being taken out by a thunderstorm. Sure, I've been going down to my apartment complex's computer lab, where I can connect to the WiFi from there. That's the only way I've been able to do homework this week, because it has been out since last Thursday. It just gets really tedious to constantly walk back and forth between my apartment and the computer lab, and there's just something so comforting about being able to get all your assignments done from the comfort of the desk in your bedroom. Does anyone else feel that way? Surely I'm not alone in this. In spite of the tedium of making several trips a day to my computer lab (I'm almost entirely online this semester except for my Capstone). There is a bit of a silver lining to this event. I've obtained a better understanding of how much tim...