My Thoughts on Growth Mindset

     Hello again everyone, I'm back with another blog post. I wanted to talk in this blog post about Growth Mindset. Before reading up on the assignment, I actually had heard of Growth Mindset before, but I'm not sure if I'd heard of Professor Carol Dweck. Growth mindset from my understanding is that abilities aren't set in stone, you can grow abilities with enough effort, and that can include intelligence.

     I also wanted to talk about how growth and fixed mindset have affected my life personally. So my father is a perfectionist, he loves things to be perfect and I'm not sure if perfectionism can be inherited but I'm a perfectionist too. Growing up in school, my parents taught me that A's are perfection and I needed to achieve A's. I think they set me up for a fixed mindset in regards to school. I know they meant well and they would never intend to cause me stress, but to this day I still stress about grades.

Image of Cat Growth Mindset Meme
     This escalated in my head to the point where when I would get anything less than a A, I would actually panic and think about what my parents would say. Don't get me wrong, I love my parents dearly, I've just come to realize that there's a line between pushing your children to do the very best they can and it getting to the point where children are stressed about school. Over the last few years I've been working on re-wiring my brain to more of a growth mindset so that if I don't achieve an A, I'm accepting that better because I know I did the best that I could. I'm interested in learning more about growth mindset this semester, I think some of the extra credit assignments could be interesting. I'm excited for this course and also my Geography of Wine course that I'm taking this semester, which I'm also starting a blog for! The course seems like it might be challenging but the content is interesting and beneficial and I'm excited to see where it takes me.



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