Week 8 Reading and Writing


Luke from my Comment Wall
     Looking back, overall the reading and writing assignments are going great for me. This course is allowing me to express my creativity in a new and fun way. I'm pretty happy with my blog and project website, I still need to tweak the background a bit to get it perfect, other than that I'm happy with it. I'm really satisfied with how the writing is going for my story book project. This is the most fun I've ever had on a final project and it honestly doesn't really feel like work to me. I'm also enjoying writing the weekly stories, because it allows me to practice my story writing and improve on it as I get ready to write the stories for my storybook assignment. Overall I think it's going well, my classmates are giving me good tips on how to improve my stories so that they get better and better.

     I consider one of my biggest accomplishments in this course to be conquering my fear of writing. When I first started writing for this course, I didn't know what my writing was like. I wasn't sure if people would enjoy reading what I wrote, especially since I'm putting it out into the internet. Now, once I get a story started I enjoy the writing, and I write with a lot less fear than I did previously.

     My favorite reading so far has probably been when I did free choice and watched the film "Sita Sings the Blues," it was such a fun twist on the Ramayana, I enjoyed it very much. There were parts where I openly laughed out loud. I would say that my reading notes do help me in that it helps me remember the story and gives me a space to write out possible ideas for how I'd make the story my own. I haven't really discovered new strategies, I found a strategy that works well for me and I just stick to it. I basically write a summary of the story and then I figure out how I can make the story my own.

      Now looking forward, I can't think of anything that I can do to get more out of this class. I'm just going to keep working hard and doing what I'm doing. I'm excited to see where the rest of the semester takes me, I'm especially excited to see how my final project turns out when I've completed it and make it look how I want to .

I chose the above image because I think it's really cute and it's related to my final project. It's one of my favorite images I've used so far.


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