The Draupadi Diaries

Draupadi and the Pandavas

Dear Diary,

Several years in exile later and I still cannot believe we're here, kicked out of the beautiful palace we called home. You don't realize how much you take for granted the finer things in life until you suddenly don't have them anymore. This is all because one of my husbands gambled away EVERYTHING. Even me. I was humiliated, dragged before everyone while my husbands did nothing. I had a lively debate with Yudhisthira today. I still don't understand why he doesn't act! If they take up their arms they can win back the kingdom.

Many years later

Dear Diary, 

Our exile in the wilderness has finally ended, we are in disguise in the court of a palace. Yudhisthira, ironically, spends most of his days playing dice and no longer loses. Bhima is a cook. Arjuna teaches dance. I spend my days as a handmaiden. Though we enjoy more comforts than in the forest, it would seem that this new life is still not without it's dangers. The king's general returned yesterday, and he took a liking to me. The foul man. I've heard from other female servants what he is like. He requested me to bring his dinner to him, and I found out very quickly what his real intentions were. I just managed to escape him and found Bhima. My strong husband and I came up with a plan, and soon the general was no more. 

Dear Diary,

Today is finally the day. We're going to war with Duryodhana to take back our kingdom. I went to Yudhisthira's tent and sent him off. I hope that the armies we have and the weapons Arjuna received will be enough to win this war. I shudder to think what would happen if we lose.

Author's Note: Since I've been watching the international film version of the Mahabharata by Peter Brook, I decided to do something different and tell part of the story from Draupadi's point-of-view. I wanted to write about some potential thoughts she might have about the events that unfold in the story, and what better way to do that than in the form of diary entries. I hope you enjoyed my different writing style. I kept the overall plot the same, but wrote it from her point of view to give some insight into her thoughts, or at least what my thoughts would be if I was in her shoes.

Bibliography. "Mahabharata" by Peter Brook. Web Source.


  1. Jackie,

    I think the diary was a creative way to write this story. I think it was a great way to put in a lot detail regarding Draupadi's feelings. Something that might be great to add would be a small explanation in the beginning that it is her diary so the reader knows who it is about. I think its great that you did a diary entry from earlier in her life and then one from many years later to show the changes that happened.

  2. Hey Jackie! I have been really enjoying all of the diary type stories I have read throughout the semester. And your story was just as enjoyable! I found it really interesting that you dove into the thoughts of Draupadi instead of maintaining the third person point of view. In both of the Indian Epics we have read throughout the semester, it is entertaining to realize how different the story is when seen through a different character's eyes. Great story, Jackie!

  3. Hi, Jackie! I love this story concept! You do a great job of capturing the essence of Draupadi’s character, as well as the emotions of all of the different situations she has had to face. I like that when she discusses her husbands it is so casual. Especially since the idea of having multiple husbands is so not casual in many cultures. You do a great job of creating Draupadi’s normal and inviting the reader into that. Great job!

  4. Hi Jackie! I really enjoyed the diary format! It was a nice concept. The way you did this was very fun to read! Draupadi’s inner thoughts were nice to see. I always like getting to see more of her as a character. Getting to see her feelings is something that we definitely need more of and I think you did a great job with this!

  5. Hey Jackie!

    I love that you used a diary to tell your story. It gave insight into the character herself and allowed for us to get a scope of time easier than telling it another way. For a story that takes place over the course of many years, you chose a great way to tell it. When being in exile, I would not expect there to be much to do, so I would probably end up starting a diary as well. Overall, great story!


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