Week 8 Comments and Feedback

Feedback Cat

     Overall I'd say that my classmates are giving really good feedback so far. The comments that are most helpful to me so far are specific ones that give me suggestions about how I can improve my writing. I didn't do much of this kind of writing before I started this course so I always appreciate constructive suggestions on how to make it better. Suggestions like "Try making a new paragraph every time a different person speaks" are very helpful, and make the story flow so much better.

     I try to give the same kind of feedback that I want. I like getting specific comments on how I can improve my writing, so after I talk about what I really enjoyed about their story, if I see if there is anything specific suggestions I can give for them to make their stories even better. I am getting some good ideas to improve my own writing as I analyze other people's work.

    I would say that I sort of get to know people by looking at their blogs. I want to check my favorite blogs more often but at the moment I don't have time to do so. After this week two of my classes will be finished and I can do more extra credit and stuff in this course to finish early. I am very happy with my Introduction and I think it gives people a space to get to know me. I could add some more information possibly but I talked about many of my interests.

     Looking forward, I think to make feedback assignments more useful for my classmates I think I'll try to look harder for suggestions to give them, because sometime I have a hard time finding suggestions to give them. There are some very good writers in our class! I may go back to my Introduction and add some more things to it so people can learn even more about me. I also need to respond to comments on my Intro and my Comment Wall because I've gotten A LOT of comments on those since I last checked.



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