Week 6 Lab: Crash Course Myth Videos

      For my story lab this week I decided to watch the Crash Course mythology videos. The first video was entitled "What is Myth?".  I thought it was very interesting when it opened by talking about how myth involves things like psychology and science. It also talked about how there are different versions of myth, which I had learned about in my Classical Mythology course. For instance, just about everyone has a version of a great flood! It's also open to interpretations. Another interesting thing he mentioned was that in some cases, the line between myth and religion is blurry. The Bible has a version of the great flood story, and that book is a part of one of today's most wide-spread religions, Christianity. Towards the end of the video he defines myth for us and says that myth "Is a story, but a special kind of story, that has two primary characteristics: significance and staying power." I really like that definition of myth, and I think it's very relevant to our course.

     The second video is about Theories of Myth. He brought up some interesting thoughts about myth, like how Plato regarded myths as "falsehoods" and how that idea has stuck with us to even today. He talked about how in the 20th Century Mythology joined up with Anthropology and how anthropologists would do field work to see how myths functioned in society. How interesting! Psychology was also looking at the function of myths to explain the human experience. So this explains how some of those fields of science are related to mythology. He goes on to mention Campbell, which apparently George Lucas credited for influencing Star Wars. I had to mention that because my story book is going to be in the Star Wars Universe.

     Finally, the last video is about the Hero's Journey, a literary style that I enjoy greatly. The main protagonist in several of my favorite stories undergoes a hero's journey, such as Luke Skywalker and Harry Potter. Campbell's theory of the Hero's Journey still lives today in many stories that we know and love, and I was really excited to watch all these different videos and learn a bit more about stories.

Picture of Iron Man

The playlist of videos that I watched can be found here.


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