Reading Notes: Peter Brook Mahabharata, Part F
We come to the final part of the movie now. So the movie picks up right where we left off. They Pandavas and Krishna plot to kill Drona. Bhima kills an elephant named Ashwattaman, who coincidentally bore the same name as Drona's son. They're going to trick Drona. Bhima tells Drona that Ashwattaman is dead, and he killed him. "From a certain point of view" that is true, but it's not the whole truth. Drona suspects a lie, and asks Yudhisthira to tell him the truth. Yudhisthira, confirms that Ashwattaman (the elephant- he hides those words behind his mouth like a child) has been killed. Yudhisthira talking to Drona . Drona dies, and the battle rages one. Dushasana attempts to kill Bhima. but Bhima prevails and drinks Dushasana's blood just like he promised. Draupadi washes her hair. So several vows have been fulfilled that day. Then there's a conversation between Karna and the Bhramin he tried to help. Karna then makes a battle cry and goes to...